
of year 2018


  1. Maja H. Kirkeby. Probabilistic program analysis. PhD thesis, Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, Denmark, 2018.
  2. Alejandro Serrano. Type Error Customization for Embedded Domain-Specific Languages. PhD thesis, Utrecht University, 2018.

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, and Frédéric Loulergue. MMFilter: A CHR-Based Solver for Generation of Executions under Weak Memory Models. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, 53:121-142, 2018.
  2. Verónica Dahl, Sergio Tessaris, and Mariano De Sousa Bispo. Parsing as semantically guided constraint solving: the role of ontologies. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 82(1-3):161-185, 2018.
  3. Gregory J. Duck, Joxan Jaffar, and Roland H.C. Yap. Shape Neutral Analysis of Graph-based Data-structures. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 18(3-4):470-483, 2018.
  4. Thom Frühwirth. A Rule-Based Tool for Analysis and Generation of Graphs Applied to Mason's Marks. 2018.
  5. Thom Frühwirth. Parallelism, concurrency and distribution in constraint handling rules: A survey. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 18(5-6):759-805, 2018. [doi:10.1017/S1471068418000078]
  6. Thom Frühwirth. Rule-Based Drawing, Analysis and Generation of Graphs for Mason's Mark Design. arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.08453, 2018.
  7. Thom Frühwirth. Security Policies in Constraint Handling Rules. 2018.
  8. Thom Frühwirth and Daniel Gall. Exploring Parallel Execution Strategies for Constraint Handling Rules-Work-in-Progress Report. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.07788, 2018.
  9. Daniel Gall. Confluence Analysis of Cognitive Models with Constraint Handling Rules. 2018.
  10. Thomas F. Gordon, Horst Friedrich, and Douglas Walton. Representing argumentation schemes with Constraint Handling Rules (CHR). Argument & Computation, 9(2):91-119, 2018.
  11. Shengbing Ren and Mengyu Jia. Scenario Oriented Program Slicing for Large-Scale Software Through Constraint Logic Programming and Program Transformation. IEEE Access, 7:62352-62360, 2018.
  12. Hendrik van Antwerpen, Casper Bach Poulsen, Arjen Rouvoet, and Eelco Visser. Scopes As Types. Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 2(OOPSLA):114:1-114:30, October 2018. ISSN: 2475-1421. [WWW] [doi:10.1145/3276484] Keyword(s): domain-specific language, name resolution, scope graphs, static semantics, type checker, type system.

Conference articles

  1. Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Henning Christiansen, and M. Dolores Jiménez-López. A Gold Standard to Measure Relative Linguistic Complexity with a Grounded Language Learning Model. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistic Complexity and Natural Language Processing, pages 1-9, 2018.
  2. Henning Christiansen and Maja H. Kirkeby. Confluence in Constraint Handling Rules: A retrospective overview. In 7th International Workshop on Confluence, 2018.
  3. Daniel Gall and Thom Frühwirth. Confluence modulo equivalence with invariants in constraint handling rules. In International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, pages 116-131, 2018. Springer.
  4. Kashif Gulzar, Reino Ruusu, Seppo Sierla, Pekka Aarnio, Tommi Karhela, and Valeriy Vyatkin. Automatic Generation of a Lifecycle Analysis Model from a First Principles Industrial Process Simulation Model. In 2018 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), pages 741-746, 2018. IEEE.
  5. Falco Nogatz, Thom Frühwirth, and Dietmar Seipel. CHR.js: A CHR Implementation in JavaScript. In Rules and Reasoning, volume 11092, pages 131-146, 2018. Springer.
  6. Nada Sharaf, Slim Abdennadher, and Thom Frühwirth. CHR vis: Syntax and Semantics. In Technical Communications of the 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018), 2018.
  7. Nada Sharaf, Slim Abdennadher, and Thom Frühwirth. Rule-Based Visualization of Tableau Calculus for Propositional Logic. In 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV 2018), pages 368-372, 2018. IEEE.
  8. Igor Stéphan. A New Proof-Theoretical Linear Semantics for CHR. In Technical Communications of the 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018), 2018.