
about 'debugging'

Conference articles

  1. Rafael Caballero, Yolanda Garcìa-Ruiz, and Fernando Sáenz-Pérez. Debugging of wrong and missing answers for datalog programs with constraint handling rules. In Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, pages 55-66, 2015. ACM.
  2. Amira Zaki, Matthias Rau, and Thom Frühwirth. CHR-IDE: An Eclipse Plug-In for Constraint Handling Rules. In Henning Christiansen and Jon Sneyers, editors, CHR13l, pages 53-60, July 2013. KULCW, Technical report CW 641. [WWW] [PDF] Keyword(s): debugging, CHR 2013, CHR 2013.
  3. Armando Gonçalves, Marcos Aurélio Almeida da Silva, Pierre Deransart, and Jacques Robin. Towards a Generic Trace for Rule Based Constraint Reasoning. In Jon Sneyers, editor, CHR11l, pages 32-47, September 2011. GUC, Technical report. [PDF] Keyword(s): debugging, CHR 2011, CHR 2011.


  1. Rafael Caballero, Yolanda Garcia-Ruiz, and Fernando Saenz-Perez. Debugging Datalog Programs Through CHRs, 2012.