
of Matthias Saft

Conference articles

  1. Slim Abdennadher, Ekkerhard Krämer, Matthias Saft, and Matthias Schmauss. JACK: A Java Constraint Kit. In M. Hanus, editor, WFLP '01: Proc. 10th Intl. Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming, Selected Papers, volume 64 of ENTCS, pages 1-17, November 2002. Elsevier. Note: See also Keyword(s): Java.
  2. Slim Abdennadher and Matthias Saft. A visualization tool for Constraint Handling Rules. In A. Kusalik, editor, WLPE01, December 2001.
  3. Slim Abdennadher, Matthias Saft, and Sebastian Will. Classroom Assignment using Constraint Logic Programming. In PACLP '00: Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. and Exhibition on Practical Application of Constraint Technologies and Logic Programming, April 2000.